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"A man who constantly jostles among the most experimental and fascinating projects"

L'Italoamericano Newspaper

Synthesis, Creativity, Alchemy, Legacy, Innovation

Welcome to the artistic world of Alessandro Scali, where the boundaries between science, culture, and art dissolve to reveal a landscape of innovation and layered meanings. My work is a journey through various forms of expression, each project a distinct exploration yet interconnected in philosophy and approach. As you navigate through the facets of my creations, allow me to introduce you to the essence of my artistic approach, encapsulated in the acronym SCALI - a reflection of the core elements that define my work and vision.

Synthesis | In my artistic journey, I see myself as synthesizing diverse realms. My work merges the worlds of art and technology, blending historical insights with contemporary digital art. This synthesis is not just about combining different elements; it's about creating something entirely new and meaningful from their union.


Creativity | At the core of all my projects lies my deep-seated creativity. Whether it's redefining the boundaries of Nanoart, transforming the nature of GIFs with OKKULT Motion Pictures, or inventing unique devices like the Giphoscope, creativity is the driving force behind my art. It allows me to explore, experiment, and express in ways that continually push the boundaries of conventional art.


Alchemy | My work often feels like alchemy. I am fascinated by the process of transforming ordinary materials and concepts into extraordinary art. In Nanoart, I turn molecular structures into visible wonders, while my digital art transforms ephemeral digital content into tangible, enduring experiences. This alchemic process is central to my artistic expression.


Legacy | Engaging with the concept of legacy is integral to my artistic practice. I aim to preserve the fleeting nature of digital art in physical forms and explore historical themes in modern contexts. My art is not just about creating for the present; it's about leaving a lasting impact that resonates through time.


Innovation | Innovation is the cornerstone of my work. As a pioneer in Nanoart, I constantly seek new horizons in art and technology. My approach to OKKULT Motion Pictures and the creation of the Giphoscope are testaments to this innovative spirit. I believe in breaking new ground and exploring uncharted territories in the art world.


Okkult Motion Pictures

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